Person "Cantius Septiminus, L., L. f. Lem."

Id 1087
Person id-code Cantius Septiminus 001
Name Cantius Septiminus, L., L. f. Lem.
Gender male
Gentilicia CANTIA
Cognomina Septimius
Tribus Lemonia
Name comments
Free text (when person flourished)
Post quem (when person flourished) 166 AD
Ante quem (when person flourished) 259 AD
Notes on life data
Geography notes Tassaux (1990: 115) assumes he was not a native of Parentium, but rather of Aquilum. He does not, however, argue this point and it goes against the intepretation given to 'curialis vetus' by Mommsen in CIL. Septiminus in any case did belong to the 'tribus' that Parentium belonged to. His wife Coelia Marcia, however, did come from Issa (InscrIt-10-02, 00017).
Legal status ingenuus
Servile affiliation
Citizen status civis romanus
Local citizenship or ethinicity
Ordo affiliation ordo equester
Highest civic rank quinquennalis
Honorary civic status
Honorary positions
Apparitorial Rank
Military status
Military Rank
Status notes and comments
CIL 05, 00335
He had fulfilled all municipal offices at Parentium, which implies he achieved also the highest office. He is honoured as curialis vetus Parentii, which Mommsen (in CIL 5, p. 35) interprets as cuius etiam maiores in curia ea locum habuerint. If this interpretation is correct, Septiminus stems from an 'old' local aristocratic family.
patronus municipalis
praefectus collegii fabrum
patronus collegii fabrum
honoured with a statue offered by the 'plebs' of Parentium. (plebs aere conlato / d(ono) d(edit))