Person "Luccius Ummidius Secundus, L., L. f. Pal."

Id 1255
Person id-code Luccius Ummidius Secundus 001
Name Luccius Ummidius Secundus, L., L. f. Pal.
Gender male
Cognomina Secundus
Tribus Palatina
Name comments
Free text (when person flourished)
Post quem (when person flourished) 76 AD
Ante quem (when person flourished) 250 AD
Notes on life data
Geography notes
Legal status ingenuus
Servile affiliation
Citizen status civis romanus
Local citizenship or ethinicity
Ordo affiliation ordo decurionum
Highest civic rank decurio
Honorary civic status
Honorary positions
Apparitorial Rank
Military status
Military Rank
Status notes and comments Luccius L. f. Pal Ummidius Secundus, L. was an 'alumnus' of an important local aristocrat, who had been duumvir quinquennalis and became municipal patron of Casinum and of Interamna Lirens where he had also been 'curator rei publicae'  (Nicols 2014; Jacques 198---: ------0-------1).

His second gentilicium Ummidius shows a maternal connection to the prominent senatorial family of the Ummidii Quadrati, whose hometown was Casinum (Syme 1968).

But his tribe, the Palatina, differs from that of this stepfather (the Teretina--the tribe of Casinum) and indicates a freedman descent.

Most likely, therefore, Luccius Ummidius Secundus was the son (or grandson) of a freedman of the elite family of the L. Luccii and a female member of the Ummidii Quadrati, possibly also a freedwoman.