Person "Vettius Mercurius, C."

Id 1527
Person id-code Vettius Mercurius 001
Name Vettius Mercurius, C.
Gender male
Gentilicia VETTIA
Cognomina Mercurius
Name comments
Free text (when person flourished)
Post quem (when person flourished) 193 AD
Ante quem (when person flourished) 251 AD
Notes on life data
Geography notes
Legal status ingenuus
Servile affiliation
Citizen status civis romanus
Local citizenship or ethinicity
Ordo affiliation
Highest civic rank
Honorary civic status
Honorary positions
Apparitorial Rank
Military status cornicularius
Military Rank cornicularius
Status notes and comments <div>CIL 14, 00160 &nbsp;</div>


<div>Vettius Mercurius had been 'cornicularius' of P. Bassilius P. f. Crescens, who had been tribune of the Cohors I Germanorum, procurator of the gladiatorial school (Ludus Matutinus), and procurator annonae Augusti at Ostia. Presumably he had fulfilled his office in the Cohors I Germanorum and afterwards followed his commanding officer back to Italy. It seems likely that Bassilius Crescens was the acutal benefactor and Vettius Mercurius merely the go-between.</div>