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Id | 1893 |
Person id-code | Antonius Epitynchanus 001 |
Name | Antonius Epitynchanus, L. |
Gender | male |
Gentilicia | ANTONIA |
Cognomina | Epitynchanus |
Tribus | |
Name comments | |
Free text (when person flourished) | |
Post quem (when person flourished) | 33 AD |
Ante quem (when person flourished) | 225 AD |
Notes on life data | |
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Legal status | libertus |
Servile affiliation | privatus |
Citizen status | civis romanus |
Local citizenship or ethinicity | |
Ordo affiliation | ordo augustalium |
Highest civic rank | |
Honorary civic status | |
Honorary positions | |
Apparitor | |
Apparitorial Rank | |
Military status | |
Military Rank | |
Status notes and comments |
CIL 14, 296 Royden 1988: 75-76, no. 27; Wierschowski 2001: 416, no. 592; Rohde 2012: 168; Meiggs 1997: 215 lictor decuriarum Curiatiae quae sacris publicis apparet quinquennalis collegii fabrum tignuariorum Ostiensium sevir Augustalis in provincia Narbonensi colonia Aquis Sextis Rohde (2012: 168) assumes that Epitynchanus was a collibertus of L. Antonius Peculiaris who was 'quinquennalis' of the 'collegium fabrum tignuariorum' during the 25 'lustrum' (178-186 CE). But this is by no means certain. Meiggs and Royden assume Epitynchanus originated from Aquae Sextiae because he was 'sevir augustalis' there. But a funerary inscription from Rome attests an Epitynchanus who was 'filiaster' (stepson) of M. Antonius Hermeros (CIL 6, 17243: D(is) M(anibus) / Epitynchano fili/astro M(arcus) Antonius / Hermeros suo b(ene) m(erenti) f(ecit)) and another fragmentary inscription from Rome (also funerary) attests an Epitynchanus and an Antonia (CIL 6, 8900): ]ius / [---] l(ibertus?) / [---]IV // ] / Epitynchan[us ---] / Antoniae C[---] / medicu[s ---] / vixit ann]os ---] / m(enses) V[ Wierschowski merely notes the many connection of both Ostia and Aquae Sextiae, the former as a harbour town, the latter as an important road hub on the way from Italy to Spain (and back). |