Guild Document "fabri Apuli coloniae CIL 03, 07805"

Document name fabri Apuli coloniae CIL 03, 07805
Name variant (this document) c]ollegi(i) fabr(um) col(oniae) / [et m]unicipi(i)
Standard name of the group fabri Apuli coloniae Aureliae
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference CIL 03, 07805
References to other standard editions CIL 03, 07805 = IDR-03-05-02, 00446 = D 07145 = CERom-13, 00622 = AE 1996, 01276 = AE 2010, +01376
Source type inscription
Type of inscription honorary
Type of monument statua
Main location Apulum
Main province Dacia
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 161 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 180 AD
Notes on dating The inscription refers to the 'colonia Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa' and to the 'municipium Aurelium Apulense'. The latter was originally a 'vicus', administrative seat of the 'pagus Apulensis', which belonged to Sarmizegetusa. It became a 'municipium' under Marcus Aurelius and was upgraded to a 'colonia' under Commodus.
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions
Protectors patroni
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Standard text of source
C(aio) Cervoni[o] / Pap(iria) Sabino q(uin)[q(uennali)] / col(oniae) Dac(icae) dec(urioni) mun[i]/[c]ipi(i) Apul(ensis) patron(o) / [c]ollegi(i) fabr(um) col(oniae) / [et m]unicipi(i) s(upra) s(criptorum) pa/[tro]no causarum / [piis?]simo am[ico] / rarissim[o] / Sex(tus) Sentinas Maxi/mus anno primo / [f]acti municipi(i) / posuit // [ob] cuius / [sta]tuae dedi/[cat]ionem Lu/[ci]a Iulia uxor / [C]ervoni(i) per / omnes balne/[as] populo pu/blice oleum / posuit / l(oco) d(ato) d(ecurionum) d(ecreto)
To Caius Cervonius Sabinus, of the Papiria tribe, quinquennalis of the colony of Dacica, decurio of the municipium of Apulum, patron of the guild of craftsmen of the above-mentioned colony and municipium, defender in court, most devoted and exceptional friend. Sextus Sentinas Maximus has set up (this monument) in the first year of the municipium. For the dedication of this statue Lucia Iulia, wife of Cervonius, has placed oil for the people in all the bath-houses. The location was given by decree of the decuriones.
Notes on the source