Guild "fabri Apuli coloniae Aureliae"

Main location Apulum
Main province Dacia
Main administrative district
Date 161-275 CE
Early post quem 161 AD
Exact date
Early ante quem 180 AD
Late post quem 222 AD
Late exact date
Late ante quem 271 AD
Date notes The colonia Aurelia Apulense began as a 'vicus' on the territory of Sarmizegetusa. It was upgraded to a 'municipium' under Marcus Aurelius and subsequently to a 'colonia' under Commodus. There may have been a presence of the 'collegium fabrum' of Sarmizegetusa in the 'vicus', but this is not documented. An honorary inscription (CIL 03, 07805) set up in the first year of the new 'municipium' shows the existence of the 'collegium fabrum'. Presumably, therefore, it was established together with new city under Marcus Aurelius.
Category fabri
English standard name craftsmen
Sector crafts
Subsector building and construction
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions magistri
Protectors patroni ; matres
Collective action
Collective assets club-house; (use of) temple ; porticus
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges permission to use public space for monument
Private duties and liabilities
Receive money to build façade (to club-house) ; (use of) temple and porticus dedicated to Aesculapius and Hygia