Guild Document "fabri Oesci CIL 03, 14416"

Document name fabri Oesci CIL 03, 14416
Name variant (this document) collegi(i) fabr(um)
Standard name of the group fabri Oesci
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference CIL 03, 14416
References to other standard editions CIL 03, 14416 = ILBulg 00018 = D 07178 = IDRE-02, 00320 = CERom-08, 00455 = AE 1900, 00155 = AE 1961, 00208 = AE 1999, 01326
Source type inscription
Type of inscription honorary
Type of monument altar
Main location Oescus
Main province Moesia Inferior
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 218 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 225 AD
Notes on dating
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions
Protectors patroni
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Standard text of source
T(ito) Aurelio T(iti) fil(io) Papir(ia) / Flavino primipilari / et principi ordinis col(oniae) / Oesc(ensium) et buleutae civitatiu[m] / Tyranorum Dionysiopol(itanorum) / Marcianopol(itanorum) Tungroru[m] / et Aquincensium patron[o] / collegi(i) fabr(um) honorat[o] / a divo Magno Antonino / Aug(usto) HS L milia n(ummum) et XXV / gradum promotionis / [ob] alacritatem virtu[tis] / [adv]ersus hostes Ge[tas] / [e]t res prospere Ty[rae ges]/tas Cl(audius) Nicom[edes] / buleuta civitatis [Tyra]/norum amico dign[issimo] / l(ocus) d(atus) d(ecreto) d(ecurionum).
To Titus Aurelius Flavinus, son of Titus, of the Papiria tribe, primipilaris and princeps of the council of the colony of Oescus and (honorary) council member of the citizen states of the Tyrani, the Dionysiopolitans, the Marcianopolitans, the Tungri and the Aquincenses, patron of the craftsmen, honoured by the Deified Magnus Antoninus Augustus with 50,000 sesterces and 25 (thousand sesterces ?) and a promotion in grade for the ardour of his manliness against the enemy Getans and the well handled affairs at Tyra. Claudius Nicomedes, council member of Tyras (has set up this monument) to his most worthy friend. The location was given by decree of the council.
Notes on the source