Guild "fabri Aeserniae"

Main location Aesernia
Main province Italia: Regio 04, Samnium
Main administrative district Samnium (Regio IV)
Date 1-100 CE
Early post quem 1 AD
Exact date
Early ante quem 60 AD
Late post quem 1 AD
Late exact date
Late ante quem 100 AD
Date notes
Category fabri
English standard name craftsmen
Sector crafts
Subsector building and construction
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions quinquennales
Collective action
Collective assets burial ground
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
The collegium was founded before c. 60 CE, making it one of the earliest outside Rome.
It owned a largely funerary building, identified by an inscription on a stele as belonging to the conlegium fabrum Aeserninorum (CIL 09, 06782). With maybe one exception (CIL 09, 02683), all information comes from the inscriptions found with this building. Most of these merely mention the names of the deceased. Their membership may be deduced from the association with the monument.
The only office mentioned is that of quinquennalis. (CIL 09, CIL 09, 02683 ; 06776).
Most of the members were freedmen or clearly of freedman descent. Their coverings of the urns represent the sides of wooden coffers with locks, as would have been placed in the atrium of their houses. Diebner (1979: 37, 54, 155-156) and d'Henry (1991) interpret this as symbolising their social success and (modest) wealth.