Guild Document "fabri Apuli coloniae CIL 03, 01209"

Document name fabri Apuli coloniae CIL 03, 01209
Name variant (this document) collegior(um) / fabr(um) cento/nar(iorum) et naut/
Standard name of the group fabri Apuli coloniae Aureliae
English standard name craftsmen
Standard reference CIL 03, 01209
References to other standard editions CIL 03, 01209 = IDR-03-05-02, 00443 = D 07147 = CERom-27/28, 01293 = AE 2006, +01121 = AE 2008, +01157
Source type inscription
Type of inscription honorary
Type of monument statua
Main location Apulum
Main province Dacia
Main admininistrative district
Post quem 222 AD
Exact date
Ante quem 271 AD
Notes on dating The ante quem date is derived from the Roman evacuation of Dacia in (probably) 271 CE.
Corporate designation collegium
Internal institutions
Protectors patroni
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
Notes The honorand was (or had been) prominent in Sarmizegetusa, Apulum, and Drobeta. The inscription is not specifying to which city the 'collegia' it mentions ('fabri, centonarii, nautae') belonged, but since it was found in Apulum, they presumably had their seat there.
Standard text of source
P(ublio) Ael(io) P(ubli) fil(io) Pap(iria) / Strenuo eq(uo) / p(ublico) sacerd(oti) arae / Aug(usti) auguri et / IIviral(i) col(oniae) / Sarm(izegetusae) augur(i) / col(oniae) Apul(ensis) dec(urioni) / col(oniae) Drob(etensis) pat/ron(o) collegior(um) / fabr(um) cento/nar(iorum) et naut/ar(um) conduc(tori) pas/cui Salinar(um) / et commer/cior(um) Rufinus / eius
Translation To Publius Aelius Strenuus, son of Publius, of the Papiria tribe, (endowed with) the public horse, priest of the altar of Augustus, augur, and former duumvir of the colony of Sarmizegetusa, augur of the colony of Apulum, decurio of the colony of Drobeta, patron of the guilds of craftsmen, clothmen and barge skippers, lessee of the (revenues from) the pasture lands in the district of Salinae and of the taxes on commerce. His Rufinus (has set this up).
Notes on the source Liu: "The dating clue is the post of sacerdos arae Augusti, which seems to have started in Severus Alexander’s reign."

'pascui Salinarum': Salinae was a 'vicus' on the territory of Apulum, probably administrative centre of a 'pagus'.