Guild "dendrophori Lugduni"

Main location Lugdunum
Main province Lugdunensis
Main administrative district
Date 101 -150 CE
Early post quem 76 AD
Exact date 160 AD
Early ante quem 100 AD
Late post quem 191 AD
Late exact date 160 AD
Late ante quem 225 AD
Date notes
Category dendrophori
English standard name tree-carriers
Sector primary sector?
Subsector forestry?
Specification timber?
Corporate designation
Internal institutions curatores
Collective action
Collective assets
Collective entitlements
Public recognition and privileges
Private duties and liabilities
The dendrophori at Lugdunum probably formed two associations, as did the fabri tignuarii and the centonarii; one of the Colonia, one of the community of consistentes. The inscriptions, however, are inconclusive regarding the relations between both groups.
two confirm the existence of a corpus dendrophororum augustalium that was almost certainly connected to the Colonia:
  • dendro/phoro Aug(ustali) Lug(uduni) eiusdemq(ue) / corporis curat(ori) (CIL 13, 01961)
  • dendrophoro Au/gustal(i) q(uaestori) corporis e/iusd(em) (CIL 13, 02026)
another inscription may be linked to this group:
  • IIIIIIvir Aug(ustalis) item / dendrophorus (CIL 13, 01751)
one inscription confirms the presence of a group of dendrophori consistentes but does not specify their corporate status:
  • dendrophori / Luguduni consistentes (CIL 13, 01752)
one is too fragmentary to be useful
  • [[---] dendro]ph[or--- (CIL 13, 01723)